Fetco® CBS 2031 & 2032
Specializing in insulated container technology for the gourmet and specialty coffee market, Fetco designs its brewers and dispensers to protect coffee integrity. Coffee integrity means that the body, taste and aroma of coffee passes into the customer’s cup without degradation. Fetco brewers provide the mechanical process to ensure proper extraction, water volume consistency, and temperature consistency through 100 percent of the brew cycle. Fetco brewers meet or exceed all of the SCAA’s (Specialty Coffee Association of America) optimum standards for brewing system performance.
After brewing, the coffee’s integrity is maintained by Fetco’s trademark LUXUS® thermal dispensers. LUXUS thermal dispensers maintain coffee serving temperature for extended periods, without the use of warmers. The LUXUS thermal dispenser, which protects coffee flavor from degradation due to the use of burners and other warming methods, has been enthusiastically received by the specialty coffee industry.
Fetco’s continued success with the LUXUS thermal dispenser product line illustrates the growing desire within the coffee community to achieve and maintain a consistent cup of coffee. Fetco meets this need with a broad line of “no-after-heat” coffee brewing products: Airpot brewing systems, Thermal-Server brewing systems, LUXUS brewing systems (which produce 100 to 2,000 cups per hour), and even large banquet brewing systems with mobile serving carts.
- Coffee Quality:
- Gravity dispense tube allows for consistent water volume per brew.
- Elimination of periodic maintenance of corroded brew solenoids. Gravity dispense tube locates above the water line when not in use thereby resisting lime build-up.
- Electronic controls are more reliable and accurate than mechanical.
- Electronic thermostats, timers, and mercury relays provide the most reliable consistency – brew after brew.
- Water is at “Brew” temperature during 100% of the brew. Insulated LUXUS Thermal Dispensers maintain serving temperature without warmers for extended periods.
- Safety:
- Brew basket is locked down during the brew cycle with a safety latch.
- Ease of Installation:
- No need to turn down the thermostat during initial fill cycle, because the brewer will not begin to heat until the tank is full of water.
- Thermostat provides +1 / -2 degrees of accuracy minimizing initial calibration.
- All Fetco brewers are tested and pre-set at the factory for temperature and water volume, expediting the installation process.
- Serviceability:
- Commonality of parts provide for reduced spare parts inventories as well as truck and warehouse space.
- Ball valve drain provides the safest and most efficient way to drain the brewer on the market.
- Top mounted heating elements means faster changing of the elements, no need to drain the entire tank.
- Mercury relays needs less periodic replacement than open air contactors.
Fetco® CBS 2051 & 2052
EXTRACTION…The best cups of coffee have an optimal balance of extraction. Designed to achieve the optimal saturation, this brewer incorporates an innovative 21-hole/6-inch spray disc, together with OUt renowned brew basket.
PULSEBREW™…PulseBrew™ gives you the confidence that you will have an even and full saturation of sour coffee bed. With PulseBrew™ you decide whether to select a continuous shower or intermittent surges of water for your roasts. After all, who knows your coffee better than you?
INNOVATIVE FEATURES…The Extractor™ Series incorporates such as a Pre-Wetting cycle which can be turned on or off to assure thorough extraction of freshIy-roasted coffees, as well as maintaining correct temperature throughout the entire brew cycle. Now with PulseBrew™ contact time can be changed to yield different batch sizes while maintaining a consistent taste profile.
CALIBRATION…Have you ever wished you had more time and energy to fine-tune your coffee brewer, but didn’t want to go under the lid? Now you don’t have to with The Extractor™ Series. Effortless external calibration and set-up are made easy through innovative front panel technology. Only what you need to know appears on the panel, and just the selected options you choose remain activated.
OPERATION…The brew basket locks into place during the entire brew cycle (including spray-over and drip thru) for added operator safety on the CBS-2052. The Low-Temp No-Brew feature, if activated, stops brewing with tepid water. Batch sizes and hot water service features can be turned on or off during setup to streamline operator choices.
- Brew Volume:
- Full Batch – 1.5 gal. (5.7 liters)
- Average Brew Time:
- Full Batch – 4 minutes
- Bypass:
- 0 to 40% of brew volume
- Pre-wetting:
- 0 to 15% of brew volume
- Water Temperature: 200°F (factory setting)
- (Boiling point/altitude chart)
- Coffee Filters:
- 15” X 5 ½ ” FETCO® Product # F001
- Water Requirements:
- 20-75 psig
- 1¼ gpm
- cold or hot water
- 3/8″ male flare fitting is provided

CBS-2051 Vecinos price: US $1525.00

CBS-2052 Vecinos price: US $2125.00